Sun, Nov 28, 21, udemy 4g java drone simulator
This is a draft, the content is not complete and of poor quality!


to make the control deployed on to the car and make the software actually connected to the car’s CAN bus and take control of the car is also non trivial. Same for the drone, I liked the course content, So just a bit feedback, if the hardware configuration could be included(the practical part) to make the code to run on the actual drone.


What you’ll learn

- Build Low Latency Cloud App to Operate DIY Drones From Anywhere in the World
- How to Control Drone with Python Application running on a Raspberry Pi
- Connecting Multiple Python Applications to a Single Remote Java App
- Managing Data Concurrently from Many Python Applications
- Low Latency Video Streaming from Raspberry Pi to a Web Page
- How to Have Many Active Video Streams on a Single Web Page
- Use Protobuf in Network Communication between Java and Python Applications
- How to Build Single Page JavaScript Application only with JQuery
- How to Control Simultaneously Many DIY Drones From a Single Web Page
- Using Google Maps API to Setup and Read Mission Data From a User
- Real Time Data Visualization From the Drones on the Interactive Map
- Use Spring Boot MVC to build Application For 4G Drone Control
- Multithreading Application Design in Java
- Multithreading Application Design in Python
- Distributed Application Design
- What are Design Requirements for a Cheap DIY 4G Drone
- Python Dronekit Library for MavLink Communication with Autopilot
  • course contents
Introduction DIY drone hardware overview control demo
Video steaming and front-end control Environment setup
Raspi hardware/network setup Java initial app layout
Java logging setup async Python initial app layout
raspi as linux service Configuration reader setup
video streaming app Html video page
js video stream client java home controller video endpoint
Java configuration reader java web-socket config
Java Video stream manager 1 2 3 App overview demo
Drone control center html java backend endpoint
js usage js app initialization
js update system data Java drone info dto
Js loading drone data js frontend drone abstraction
js adding a position marker Js drone control intializer keyboard mapping
js rendering map point Js UI component lib
css java update system endpoint with mock data
Java mission command end point Js adding video stream to ui control
Java rest controller functionality java control manager server socket
Java dronehandler init java dronehanlder network message sd/rv thread
Java droneHandler reading latest data Protobuf
Java datamapper transforming protobuf object to domain logic objects  
Java implementing network messaging protocol Java backend application
Java backend application Python overview
Python bootsraping initial app Python Network connection monitoring
Python data receiver thread Python drone object vehicle abstraction
Python network messages encoding Python drone control panel object
Python maintaining constant speed and direction Python camera serve controlling thread
Python camera server control Python finished application logic
Final result full distributed application realworld flight demo

Some of my land/air vehicle projects

  • VTOL Portal of vtol codebase repowiki
  • Advanced ND project UAV gui repo
  • GCS ground control station GCS codebase repo
  • RVIZ simuator C++ GAZEBO repo
  • Computer vision Road Detection repo
  • Raspberry Pi project LORA and sensors repo or here
  • Documentation site for matlab click_here

interface architecture excluding the endpoints for hardwares


code example


import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;

import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class BaseController {

    private final ConfigReader configurations;

    public String IndexPage(){

       log.debug("opened index page");
        return "index";

    public String getVideoFeed(Model model, @PathVariable("droneId") String droneId){

        model.addAttribute("publicIp", getPublicIpAddress());
        model.addAttribute("droneId", droneId);
        model.addAttribute("videoEndpoint", configurations.getVideoWsEndpoint());

        return "video";

    private String getPublicIpAddress() {
        String ip = "";
        try {
            final URL whatismyip = new URL("");

            try(final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(whatismyip.openStream()))){
                ip = in.readLine();
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return ip;

  • raspi lib
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libhdf5-dev
sudo apt install libhdf5-serial-dev
sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev
sudo apt install libjasper-dev
sudo apt install libqtgui4
sudo apt install libqt4-test
sudo apt install python3-opencv

sudo pip3 install netifaces psutil google-api-python-client \

  • SITL setup envs
Environment Setup:

- Install VirtualBox and spinn Ubuntu 16.04 in it

- On first start run:
  sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-dkms
  And only after that click Insert Guest Addons CD

- Install Git
  sudo apt-get install git
  sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui

- Get the project
  git clone --recursive
  cd ardupilot

- Install required packages
  Tools/environment_install/ -y
  . ~/.profile

- Cofigure the board and build vehicle type
  ./waf configure --board fmuv3
  ./waf copter

- Go to ArduCopter directory and run simulator
  cd ArduCopter --console --map --out

More detailed information from:

When you decide to deploy finished Java application - build it, deploy it on a VPS [or any machine with public IP]

and then run it with this command in terminal:

java -jar drone-control-station-0.0.1.jar &

Wait until it starts, and then you can close the terminal and it will continue to run in the background

  • how to deploy java app
When you decide to deploy finished Java application - build it, deploy it on a VPS [or any machine with public IP]

and then run it with this command in terminal:

java -jar drone-control-station-0.0.1.jar &

Wait until it starts, and then you can close the terminal and it will continue to run in the background
// Create droneapp.service file with this content:

Description=DroneApp Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/{app directory name}/ --d /home/pi/{app directory name}/


{app directory name} should be replaced with the name of the folder that contains main application file

Then nn RaspPi move droneapp.service to /lib/systemd/system/

Then Run

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl enable droneapp.service

If you want to stop it from autoloading on Raspi startup, Run:

sudo systemctl disable droneapp.service

The following wiki, pages and posts are tagged with

TitleTypeExcerpt post After launching a file, call the following services to initialize the drone in Gazebo and the Particle Filter algorithm
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Pilot handbook + drone resource wiki post Tue, Nov 02, 21, pilot's handbook summarized on top of key cocnepts from rapa drone-resource
Single rotor drone post Thu, Nov 04, 21, single rotor air vehilce with rudder and flap to navigate
Pilot's preflight checklist FAA post Tue, Nov 09, 21, preflight checklist with data mining, d3 visualization and google sheet implementation
final-project post Sat, Nov 27, 21, motion planning dashboard with django vue and fcnd
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px4 mavlink and qgc integration with 4gremoteoperation post Tue, Jan 18, 22, powerful 3d simulation environment for autonomous robots suitable for testing object-avoidance and cv
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Advanced Features page
Advanced Configuration page
Advanced Flight Controller Orientation Tuning page
rflysim tltr page
Bootloader Update page
Bootloader Flashing onto Betaflight Systems page
Compass Power Compensation page page my drones I work with and at my disposal.
ESC Calibration page
Flight Termination Configuration page
my 100 supporters page my freelancers I work with since 2018. page My recent projects are leveraging generative AI across various domains, yielding significant achievements. These encompass Digital Twin, Voice-to-Command, RA...
Land Detector Configuration page
About this site and its author portfolio My portofolio site and its mission statement
🔭AIOT projects page summary.
contents deploy automation page Pilot test on the automation prototype.
pixhawk apm racing drone page summary.
Challenger Engineering Project page summary.
pixhawk tools page rFlyeval project details where Matlab Mathwor Simulink were used for complete process of UAV and UAS.
Korea drone companies page summary.
Racing drone, attck drone page summary.
Django Django Two scoops page summary.
docker learning curve page summary.
🔭 Ground Control Station web-based approach page summary.
gitlab page summary.
🔭lora monitoring app page summary.
🔭 MQTT pages page summary.
My course list page my course list from udemy, udacity, NCS and other sources
Nextcloud page summary.
Automation pipeline page summary.
Pixhawk 4 page summary.
Pixhawk overview page summary.
🔭raspberry pi project page summary.
🔭yuneec realsense obstacle avoidance page summary.
ROS topic for micro control page summary.
🔭 RQt-based gui page summary.
🔭sensor detection page RealSense with Open3D
🔭Serializer with API page summary.
Rules of thumb page Contact me for any support issues.
web-dev ops pages page
🔭 Webrtc page summary.
Parameter Reference page
Finding/Updating Parameters page
Precision Landing page
pixhawk tools advanced page rFlyeval project details where Matlab Mathwork Simulink were used for complete process of UAV and UAS.
pixhawk tools page rFlyeval project details where Matlab Mathwor Simulink were used for complete process of UAV and UAS.
RTK GPS page GNSS/GPS systems
Iridium/RockBlock Satellite Communication System page
Static Pressure Buildup page # Static Pressure Buildup Air flowing over an enclosed vehicle can cause the *static pressure* to change within the canopy/hull. Depending on the location of holes/leaks in the hull, you can end up with under or overpressure (similar to a wing). The change in pressure can affect barometer measurements, leading...
Air Traffic Avoidance: ADS-B/FLARM page
Air Traffic Avoidance: UAS Traffic Management (UTM) page
Using the ECL EKF page