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Vim Ycm Python3

버전 확인 Vim 빌드 .vimrc 설정 ycm 빌드 버전 확인 ycm을 python3로 구동하려면 일단 사용하고 있는 Vim이 python3 옵션을 갖고 있는지 확인해야 한다. Vim의 python 옵션은 --version으로 확인할 수 있다.

jsimpatient learning path

2021-09-19 the modern javascript for impatient Tasks TASK: skimm through the first 4 chapters TASK: focus on the control flow scripts TASK: use node to display backends via web for web-based...

v2 roadmap

October 30, report I have completed version 2.0 missions including search-engine integration with stackoverflow. More minior updates such as what I am doing now with syntax.css for the bg color change I made to pre > code, .highlight .[class] to be more appropriate. as the year is coming...

1.5 Update report

2021-09-08 1.5 update Tasks TASK: create 3 collections with userMap syntax and image grid framework (yoga, freelancers, drones) TASK: IPad Pro / 크롬 이슈 재진단, static-site generator로 변신중 TASK: Drone devworks,...

August updated report

Getting the template for contents matlab contents freelancer yoga drones * c9fa015 (HEAD -> edit, backup/edit, backup/HEAD)(2021-09-07) change width 18em from 20 for search-input in customstyles * ab7496d(2021-09-07) add collections for yoga to topnav.yml * 4ca4d6d(2021-09-07) add collections for drones and freelancers to topnav.yml *...

July updated report

Integration of css and navigation logics within the site * 6e63423 (HEAD -> gh-pages, origin/gh-pages, origin/HEAD)(Sun Aug 1 10:23:49 2021) lstree exmaple * 44f332b(Sun Aug 1 10:20:53 2021) lstree exmaple * 36a7365(Sun Aug 1 10:07:13 2021) add git config template to webhook.md * fd26087(Sun Aug 1 09:52:30 2021) add...

tools of trade

Tools of the trade: How I communicate with project participants (and why) One of my favorite “laws” is Conway’s Law, an adage that organizations will design systems that mirror their communication structure. As I’ve long said, “how you work is as important as what you work on”:...

For use of contents

Fine print for use of contents This is my personal site. The opinions expressed herein represent my own, and not those of any employer, group, or organization. You should know that I am not an expert. My views do not constitute legal advice, nor is their validity, accuracy, currentness,...

Update report

Wednesday, April 29, 2021 MEMO: google IoT API* MEMO: https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/install/config/ Tasks TASK: ETRI 자료 검토 및 정리 TASK: 홈페이지 스크롤 / 크롬 이슈 재진단 TASK: 개발에 필요한 요구 사항...

Sample post

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries...

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