Thu, Mar 03, 22, using raspi as fc to control small drone
This is a draft, the content is not complete and of poor quality!
ssh pi@ on raspi
sudo apt install -y build-essential file git sudo ruby curl
sudo apt install libavutil-dev tmux
sudo apt install rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> .bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> .bashrc
git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
rbenv install --list
rbenv install 3.0.3
Connecting with another GCS
You can attach multiple additional ground control stations to SITL from
*MAVProxy*. The simulated vehicle can then be controlled and viewed
through any attached GCS.
First use the ``output`` command on the *MAVProxy command prompt* to
determine where *MAVProxy* is sending packets:
GUIDED> output
GUIDED> 2 outputs
This tells us that we can connect *Mission Planner* to either UDP port
14550 or 14551, as shown on the dialog below.
.. figure:: ../images/MissionPlanner_Connect_UDP.jpg
:target: ../_images/MissionPlanner_Connect_UDP.jpg
Mission Planner: Connecting to a UDPPort
.. tip::
We could connect *APM Planner 2* to the remaining port. If we
needed a third port, we could add it as shown:
GUIDED> output add
*Mission Planner* can then be used to control the simulated vehicle in
exactly the same way as though it were a real vehicle. We can reproduce
the previous "takeoff-circle-land" example as shown below:
#. Change to GUIDED mode, arm the throttle, and then takeoff
- Open the *FLIGHT DATA* screen and select the *Actions* tab on the
bottom left. This is where we can change the mode and set
.. figure:: ../images/MissionPlanner_Actions_GuidedModeArm.png
:target: ../_images/MissionPlanner_Actions_GuidedModeArm.png
Mission Planner: Actions Tab (Set Mode, Arm/Disarm)
- Select **Guided** in the *Mode selection list* and then press the
**Set Mode** button.
- Select the **Arm/Disarm** button
- Right-click on the map and select Takeoff. Then enter the desired
takeoff altitude
.. figure:: ../images/MissionPlanner_Map_takeoff.jpg
:target: ../_images/MissionPlanner_Map_takeoff.jpg
Mission Planner Map: Takeoff Command
.. note::
Takeoff must start within 15 seconds of arming, or the motors
will disarm.
#. Change to CIRCLE mode on the *Action* tab and watch the copter circle
on the map.
#. You can change the circle radius in the *CONFIG/TUNING* screen.
Select *Full Parameters List*, then the **Find** button and search
for ``CIRCLE_MODE``. When you've changed the value press the **Write
Params** button to save them to the vehicle.
#. When you're ready to land you can set the mode to RTL.
Running SITL with a GCS without MAVProxy
It is also possible to interact with SITL without using *MAVProxy* at
all using **ArduCopter.elf** (in the **ArduCopter** directory).
Run the file in the *Cygwin Terminal*, specifying a home position and
vehicle model as shown below:
hamis_000@XPS12ultra ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter
$ ./ArduCopter.elf --home -35,149,584,270 --model quad
Started model quad at -35,149,584,270 at speed 1.0
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
The command output shows that you can connect to SITL using TCP/IP at
port 5760.
In *Mission Planner* we first change the link type to TCP and then press
the **Connect** button. Click through the \ *remote host* and *remote
Port* prompts as these default to the correct values.
.. figure:: ../images/MissionPlanner_ConnectTCP.jpg
:target: ../_images/MissionPlanner_ConnectTCP.jpg
Mission Planner: Connecting toSITL using TCP
Mission Planner will then connect and can be used just as before.
.. tip::
**ArduCopter.elf** has other startup options, which you can use
using the -h command line parameter:
./ArduCopter.elf -h
Updating ArduPilot
See advice on :ref:`this wiki page <git-rebase>` regarding how to "Rebase" on ArduPilot's master branch.
Updating MAVProxy
.. warning::
The *MAVProxy 1.4.19 *\ installer does not properly remove all
parts of preceding installations. Before installing a new version you
must first delete the old directory: C\ **:\\Program Files
`Download and Install MAVProxy for Windows <>`__ (this link always points to the
hamis_000@XPS12ultra ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter
$ ./ArduCopter.elf --home -35,149,584,270 --model quad
Started model quad at -35,149,584,270 at speed 1.0
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
The command output shows that you can connect to SITL using TCP/IP at
port 5760.
In *Mission Planner* we first change the link type to TCP and then press
the **Connect** button. Click through the \ *remote host* and *remote
Port* prompts as these default to the correct values.
.. figure:: ../images/MissionPlanner_ConnectTCP.jpg
:target: ../_images/MissionPlanner_ConnectTCP.jpg
Mission Planner: Connecting toSITL using TCP
Mission Planner will then connect and can be used just as before.
.. tip::
**ArduCopter.elf** has other startup options, which you can use
using the -h command line parameter:
./ArduCopter.elf -h
Updating ArduPilot
See advice on :ref:`this wiki page <git-rebase>` regarding how to "Rebase" on ArduPilot's master branch.
Updating MAVProxy
.. warning::
The *MAVProxy 1.4.19 *\ installer does not properly remove all
parts of preceding installations. Before installing a new version you
must first delete the old directory: C\ **:\\Program Files
`Download and Install MAVProxy for Windows <>`__ (this link always points to the latest version!)
.. _sitl-native-on-windows_next_steps:latest version!)
.. _sitl-native-on-windows_next_steps:
# in case of issues with above, follow this instruction:
sudo apt install dirmngr
# Install prerequisites
sudo apt-get install -y git curl zlib1g-dev subversion
# this will take hours
curl -L | bash -s stable --rails
# Additional Ruby dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y openssl libreadline6-dev git-core zlib1g libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3
sudo apt-get install -y libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake libtool bison
# Install prerequisites
sudo apt-get install -y git curl zlib1g-dev subversion
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
sudo apt install tmux
gem install tmuxinator
sudo apt install powerline
sudo apt install fonts-powerline
mkdir .configure/fontcofnig/
tee .configure/fontconfig/conf.d
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<patelt name="family"><string>terminess powerline</string></patelt>
fc-cache -vf
$ sudo wiliest wlan0
# Returns list of available Wifi networks
$ sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
#opens the wpa-supplicant configuration file in nano
#Go to the bottom and add:
network = {
ssid = "wifiname"
psk = "wifipassword"
# install mavproxy
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-opencv python3-wxgtk4.0 python3-pip python3-matplotlib python3-lxml python3-pygame
pip3 install PyYAML mavproxy --user
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
cloning raspi usb stick
installing joystick_remote
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Advanced Configuration | page | |
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Bootloader Update | page | |
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ESC Calibration | page | |
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🔭AIOT projects | page | summary. |
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Challenger Engineering Project | page | summary. |
pixhawk tools | page | rFlyeval project details where Matlab Mathwor Simulink were used for complete process of UAV and UAS. |
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🔭 Ground Control Station web-based approach | page | summary. |
gitlab | page | summary. |
🔭lora monitoring app | page | summary. |
🔭 MQTT pages | page | summary. |
My course list | page | my course list from udemy, udacity, NCS and other sources |
Nextcloud | page | summary. |
Automation pipeline | page | summary. |
Pixhawk 4 | page | summary. |
Pixhawk overview | page | summary. |
🔭raspberry pi project | page | summary. |
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ROS topic for micro control | page | summary. |
🔭 RQt-based gui | page | summary. |
🔭sensor detection | page | RealSense with Open3D |
🔭Serializer with API | page | summary. |
Rules of thumb | page | Contact me for any support issues. |
web-dev ops pages | page | |
🔭 Webrtc | page | summary. |
Parameter Reference | page | |
Finding/Updating Parameters | page | |
Precision Landing | page | |
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