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bebop_autonomy - ROS Driver for Parrot Bebop Drone (quadrocopter) 1.0 & 2.0

bebop_autonomy is a :abbr:ROS (Robot Operating System) driver for Parrot Bebop 1.0 <http://www.parrot.com/ca/products/bebop-drone/>_ and 2.0 <https://www.parrot.com/ca/drones/parrot-bebop-2>_ drones (quadrocopters), based on Parrot’s official ARDroneSDK3 <http://developer.parrot.com/docs/SDK3/>. This driver has been developed in Autonomy Lab <http://autonomylab.org/> of Simon Fraser University <http://www.sfu.ca/>_ by Mani Monajjemi <http://mani.im>_ and other contributers (:ref:sec-contribs). This software is maintained by Sepehr MohaimenianPour <http://sepehr.im/>_ (AutonomyLab, Simon Fraser University), Thomas Bamford <#>_ (Dynamic Systems Lab, University of Toronto) and Tobias Naegeli <https://ait.ethz.ch/people/naegelit/>_ (Advanced Interactive Technologies Lab, ETH Zürich).

[Source Code <https://github.com/AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy>] [ROS wiki page <http://wiki.ros.org/bebop_autonomy>] [Support <http://answers.ros.org/questions/scope:all/sort:activity-desc/tags:bebop_autonomy/page:1/>] [Bug Tracker <https://github.com/AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy/issues>]

.. _sec-roadmap:

Features and Roadmap


.. csv-table:: :header: “Feature”, “Status”, “Notes”

SDK Version,”3.12.6”, “Since v0.7” Support for Parrot Bebop 1, Yes, “Tested up to Firmware 3.3” Support for Parrot Bebop 2, Yes, “Tested up to Firmware 4.0.6” Support for Parrot Disco FPV, No, “Not tested (help wanted)” Core piloting, Yes, “” H264 video decoding, Yes, “Enhancement: #1 <https://github.com/AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy/issues/1>” ROS Camera Interface, Yes, “” Nodelet implementation, Yes, “” Publish Bebop states as ROS topics, Yes, “” Dynamically reconfigurable Bebop settings, Yes, “:ref:sec-dev-dyn” Use parrot_arsdk <https://github.com/AutonomyLab/parrot_arsdk> instead of building ARSDK3 inline, Yes, “Since v0.6: #75 <https://github.com/AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy/issues/75>_” Bebop In The Loop tests, Yes, “:ref:sec-dev-test” Joystick teleop demo, Yes, “:ref:sec-pilot-teleop” TF Publisher, Yes, “Since v0.5 (:ref:sec-tf)” Odometry Publisher, Yes, “Since v0.5 (:ref:sec-odom)” Provide ROS API for on-board picture/video recording, Yes, “Since v0.4.1 (:ref:sec-snapshot)” GPS Support, Yes, “Since v0.6 (:ref:sec-gps)” Support for 720p streaming, Yes, “Since v0.6” Mavlink Support, No, “” Binary Release, No, “” Support for Parrot Sky Controller, No, “”

Table of Contents

.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2

changelog installation running piloting reading configuration coordinates contribute FAQ dev license

Indices and tables

  • :ref:genindex
  • :ref:modindex
  • :ref:search

Installation ****

Compiling From Source



  • ROS Indigo, Jade or Kinetic (Only tested on Ubuntu)
  • Ubuntu packages: build-esstential, python-rosdep, python-catkin-tools
  • Basic familiarity with building ROS packages

  $ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-rosdep python-catkin-tools

To compile from source, you need to clone the source code in a new or existing catkin workspace, use rosdep to install dependencies and finally compile the workspace using catkin. The following commands demonstrate this procedure in a newly created catkin workspace.

.. note:: Since version 0.6, Parrot ARSDK <http://developer.parrot.com/docs/SDK3/>, the main underlying dependency of *bebop_autonomy* is not build inline anymore. Instead, the slightly patched and catkinized version of it, called parrot_arsdk <https://github.com/AutonomyLab/parrot_arsdk>, is fetched as a dependency during the rosdep install step below. This dramatically decreases the compile time of the package compared to previous versions (e.g. from ~15 minutes to less than a minute on a modern computer). If you are re-compiling from source, you need to clean your workspace first: $ catkin clean [-y].

  # Create and initialize the workspace
  $ mkdir -p ~/bebop_ws/src && cd ~/bebop_ws
  $ catkin init
  $ git clone https://github.com/AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy.git src/bebop_autonomy
  # Update rosdep database and install dependencies (including parrot_arsdk)
  $ rosdep update
  $ rosdep install --from-paths src -i
  # Build the workspace
  $ catkin build 

Running the Driver

You can run Bebop’s ROS drivereither as a ROS Nodelet <http://wiki.ros.org/nodelet>_ or as a standalone ROS Node. The former is recommended if you intend to perform any kind of processing on Bebop’s video stream.

.. note:: If you compile the driver form source, do not forget to source your catkin workspace prior to running the driver. (i.e. source ~/bebop_ws/devel/setup.[bash|zsh])

.. note:: Ensure that your Bebop’s firmware is at least 2.0.29 and your computer is connected to Bebop’s wireless network.

Running the driver as a Node


The executable node is called bebop_driver_node and exists in bebop_driver package. It’s recommended to run the Node in its own namespace and with default configuration. The driver package comes with a sample launch file bebop_driver/launch/bebop_node.launch which demonstrates the procedure.

.. code-block:: bash

$ roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch

.. literalinclude:: ../bebop_driver/launch/bebop_node.launch :language: XML :caption: bebop_node.launch

Running the driver as a Nodelet


To run the driver as a ROS Nodelet, you need to first run a Nodelet manager, then load the driver’s Nodelet (bebop_driver/BebopDriverNodelet) in it, along with other Nodelets that need to communicate with the driver. bebop_tools/launch/bebop_nodelet_iv.launch is a sample launch file that demonstrates these steps by visualizing Bebop’s video stream using an instance of image_view/image <http://wiki.ros.org/image_view#image_view.2BAC8-diamondback.image_view.2BAC8-image>_ Nodelet. Similar to bebop_node.launch, it also runs everything in its own namespace and loads the default configuration.

  $ roslaunch bebop_tools bebop_nodelet_iv.launch

.. literalinclude:: ../bebop_tools/launch/bebop_nodelet_iv.launch :language: XML :caption: bebop_tools/launch/bebop_nodelet_iv.launch

.. literalinclude:: ../bebop_driver/launch/bebop_nodelet.launch :language: XML :caption: bebop_driver/launch/bebop_nodelet.launch

Sending Commands to Bebop

.. _sec-pilot-teleop:

.. note:: bebop_tools package comes with a launch file for tele-operating Bebop with a joystick using ROS joy_teleop <http://wiki.ros.org/joy_teleop>_ package. The configuration file (key-action map) is written for Logitech F710 controller <http://gaming.logitech.com/en-ca/product/f710-wireless-gamepad>_ and is located in bebop_tools/config folder. Adapting the file to your own controller is straightforward. To teleop Bebop while the driver is running execute roslaunch bebop_tools joy_teleop.launch.



Publish a message of type std_msgs/Empty to takeoff topic.

.. code-block:: bash

$ rostopic pub –once [namespace]/takeoff std_msgs/Empty



Publish a message of type std_msgs/Empty to land topic.

.. code-block:: bash

$ rostopic pub –once [namespace]/land std_msgs/Empty



Publish a message of type std_msgs/Empty to reset topic.

.. code-block:: bash

$ rostopic pub –once [namespace]/reset std_msgs/Empty



To move Bebop around, publish messages of type geometry_msgs/Twist <http://docs.ros.org/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/Twist.html>_ to cmd_vel topic while Bebop is flying. The effect of each field of the message on Bebop’s movement is listed below:

.. code-block:: text

linear.x (+) Translate forward (-) Translate backward linear.y (+) Translate to left (-) Translate to right linear.z (+) Ascend (-) Descend angular.z (+) Rotate counter clockwise (-) Rotate clockwise

Acceptable range for all fields are [-1..1]. The drone executes the last received command as long as the driver is running. This command is reset to zero when Takeoff_, Land_ or Emergency_ command is received. To make Bebop hover and maintain its current position, you need to publish a message with all fields set to zero to cmd_vel.

The linear.x and linear.y parts of this message set the pitch and roll angles of the Bebop, respectively, hence control its forward and lateral accelerations. The resulting pitch/roll angles depend on the value of ~PilotingSettingsMaxTiltCurrent parameter <./autogenerated/ardrone3_settings_param.html#pilotingsettingsmaxtiltcurrent>_, which is specified in degrees and is dynamically reconfigurable (:ref:sec-dyn-params).

The linear.z part of this message controls the vertical velocity of the Bebop. The resulting velocity in m/s depends on the value of ~SpeedSettingsMaxVerticalSpeedCurrent parameter <./autogenerated/ardrone3_settings_param.html#speedsettingsmaxverticalspeedcurrent>, which is specified in meters per second and is also dynamically reconfigurable (:ref:sec-dyn-params). Similarly, the angular.z component of this message controls the rotational velocity of the Bebop (around the z-axis). The corresponding scaling parameter <./autogenerated/ardrone3_settings_param.html#speedsettingsmaxrotationspeedcurrent> is SpeedSettingsMaxRotationSpeedCurrent (in degrees per sec).

.. code-block:: text

roll_degree = linear.y * max_tilt_angle pitch_degree = linear.x * max_tilt_angle ver_vel_m_per_s = linear.z * max_vert_speed rot_vel_deg_per_s = angular.z * max_rot_speed

Moving the Virtual Camera


To move Bebop’s virtual camera, publish a message of type geometry_msgs/Twist <http://docs.ros.org/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/Twist.html>_ to camera_control topic. angular.y and angular.z fields of this message set absolute tilt and pan of the camera in degrees respectively. The field of view of this virtual camera (based on our measurements) is ~80 (horizontal) and ~50 (vertical) degrees.

.. warning:: The API for this command is not stable. We plan to use JointState message in future versions.

.. code-block:: text

angular.y (+) tilt down (-) tilt up angular.z (+) pan left (-) pan right

GPS Navigation


Start Flight Plan

An autonomous flight plan consists of a series of GPS waypoints along with Bebop velocities and camera angles encoded in an XML file.

Requirements that must be met before an autonomous flight can start:

* Bebop is calibrated
* Bebop is in outdoor mode
* Bebop has fixed its GPS

To start an autonomous flight plan, publish a message of type std_msgs/String <http://docs.ros.org/api/std_msgs/html/msg/String.html>_ to autoflight/start topic. The data field should contain the name of the flight plan to execute, which is already stored on-board Bebop.

.. note:: If an empty string is published, then the default ‘flightplan.mavlink’ is used.

.. warning:: If not already flying, Bebop will attempt to take off upon starting a flight plan.

The Flight Plan App <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.parrot.freeflight3>_ allows easy construction of flight plans and saves them on-board Bebop.

An FTP client can also be used to view and copy flight plans on-board Bebop. FileZilla is recommended:

.. code-block:: bash

$ sudo apt-get install filezilla $ filezilla

Then open Site Manager (top left), click New Site:

* `Host`:
* `Protocol`: FTP
* `Encrpytion`: Use plain FTP
* `Logon Type`: Anonymous
* Connect.

Pause Flight Plan

To pause the execution of an autonomous flight plan, publish a message of type std_msgs/Empty <http://docs.ros.org/api/std_msgs/html/msg/Empty.html>_ to autoflight/pause topic. Bebop will then hover and await further commands. To resume a paused flight plan, publish the same message that was used to start the autonomous flight (ie. to the topic autoflight/start). Bebop will fly to the lastest waypoint reached before continuing the flight plan.

.. note:: Any velocity commands sent to Bebop during an autonomous flight plan will pause the plan.

Stop Flight Plan

To stop the execution of an autonomous flight plan, publish a message of type std_msgs/Empty <http://docs.ros.org/api/std_msgs/html/msg/Empty.html>_ to autoflight/stop topic. Bebop will hover and await further commands.

To ask Bebop to autonomously fly to it’s home position, publish a message of type std_msgs/Bool <http://docs.ros.org/api/std_msgs/html/msg/Bool.html>_ to autoflight/navigate_home topic with the data field set to true. To stop Bebop from navigating home, publish another message with data set to false.

.. warning:: The topic has changed from navigate_home to autoflight/navigate_home after version 0.5.1.

Flat Trim


.. error:: Test fails, probably not working.

Publish a message of type std_msgs/Empty to flattrim topic.

.. code-block:: bash

$ rostopic pub –once [namespace]/flattrim std_msgs/Empty

Flight Animations


.. warning:: Be extra cautious when performing any flight animations, specially in indoor environments.

Bebop can perform four different types of flight animation (flipping). To perform an animation, publish a message of type std_msgs/UInt8 to flip topic while drone is flying. The data field determines the requested animation type.

.. code-block:: text

0 Flip Forward 1 Flip Backward 2 Flip Right 3 Flip Left

.. _sec-snapshot:

Take on-board Snapshot


.. versionadded:: 0.4.1

To take a high resolution on-board snapshot, publish a std_msgs/Empty message on snapshot topic. The resulting snapshot is stored on the internal storage of the Bebop. The quality and type of this image is not configurable using the ROS driver. You can use the official FreeFlight3 app to configure your Bebop prior to flying. To access the on-board media, either connect your Bebop over USB to a computer, or use a FTP client to connect to your Bebop using the following settings:

  • Default IP:
  • Port: 21
  • Path: internal_000/Bebop_Drone/media
  • Username: anonymous
  • Password: **

Set camera exposure


It is possible to set camera exposure by publishing std_msgs/Float32 message on set_exposure topic. Note that this functionality is not supported in Bebop1 Fw 3.3.0.

  • Exposure value range: -3.0 .. +3.0

Toggle on-board Video Recording


.. versionadded:: 0.4.1

To start or stop on-board high-resolution video recording, publish a std_msgs/Bool message on the record topic. The value of true starts the recording while the value of false stops it. Please refer to the previous section for information on how to access the on-board recorded media.

Reading from Bebop



The video stream from Bebop’s front camera is published on image_raw topic as sensor_msgs/Image messages. bebop_driver complies with ROS camera interface specifications and publishes camera information and calibration data to camera_info topic. Due to limitations in Parrot’s ARDroneSDK3, the quality of video stream is limited to 640 x 368 @ 30 Hz. The field of view of this virtual camera (based on our measurements) is ~80 (horizontal) and ~50 (vertical) degrees.

To set the location of camera calibration data, please check this page: :doc:configuration. Since v0.4, the package ships with a default camera caliberation file located at bebop_driver/data/bebop_front_calib.yaml. Both default node/nodelet launch files, load this file when executing the driver.

.. _sec-ros-topic:

Standard ROS messages


.. _sec-odom:


.. versionadded:: 0.5

  • ROS Topic: odom
  • ROS Message Type: nav_msgs/Odometry

The driver integerates visual-inertial velocity estimates reported by Bebop’s firmware to calculate the odometery. This message contains both the position and velocity of the Bebop in an ENU aligned odometery frame also named as odom. This frame name is configurable (see :ref:sec-params) The cooridnate frame convention complies with ROS REP 103 (:ref:sec-coords). Please not that since odometery is calculated from Bebop States (see :ref:sec-states), the update rate is limited to 5 Hz.

.. _sec-gps:


.. versionadded:: 0.5

  • ROS Topic: fix
  • ROS Message Type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix

Joint States (Pan/Tilt of The Virtual Camera)

.. versionadded:: 0.5

  • ROS Topic: joint_states
  • ROS Message Type: sensor_msgs/JointState

.. _sec-tf:



.. versionadded:: 0.5

The driver updates the following TF <http://wiki.ros.org/tf>_ tree based on a simple kinematic model of the Bebop (provided by bebop_description) pacakge, the current state of the virtual camera joints and the calculated odometery (if publish_odom_tf is set, see :ref:sec-params).

.. image:: img/tf.png

.. _sec-states:

odom_tf States (aka Navdata)


Unlike Parrot ARDrone, Bebop does not constantly transmit all on-board data back to the host device with high frequency. Each state variable is sent only when its value is changed. In addition, the publication rate is currently limited to 5 Hz. The driver publishes these states selectively and when explicitly enabled through a ROS parameter. For example setting ~states/enable_pilotingstate_flyingstatechanged parameter to true will enable the publication of flying state changes to topic states/ARDrone3/PilotingState/FlyingStateChanged. List of all such parameters and their corresponding topics and message types are indexed in the following pages:

Common States :doc:autogenerated/common_states_param_topic Bebop-specific States :doc:autogenerated/ardrone3_states_param_topic

Configuring Bebop and the Driver

.. _sec-params:

Driver Parameters


Following parameters are set during driver’s startup:


Sets the IP addres of the Bebop. The default value is


Setting this parameter to true will reset all Bebop configurations to factory defaults. Default value is false.


Setting this parameter to true will synchronize drone time with your ROS system time. Default value is false.


Sets the location of the camera calibration data. Default is empty string. For more information check this documentation <http://wiki.ros.org/camera_info_manager#URL_Names>_.

.. note::

Since v0.4, the package comes with a default camera calibration file located at bebop_driver/data/bebop_front_calib.yaml.


.. versionadded:: 0.4

Sets the safety timeout for piloting cmd_vel commands in seconds. Deafult is set to 0.1 seconds (100 miliseconds). If no piloting command is received by the driver within this timeout period, the driver issues a stop command which causes the drone to hover.


.. versionadded:: 0.5

Sets the frame_id of the odometery message (see :ref:sec-ros-topic) and the odometery frame used in the TF tree (see :ref:sec-tf). The default value is odom.


.. versionadded:: 0.5

Enables the publishing of odom to base_link TF transform (see :ref:sec-tf). The default value is true.


.. deprecated:: 0.5

Sets the frame_id of camera and image messages. The default value is camera_optical.

.. _sec-dyn-params:

Dynamically Reconfigurable Parameters for Bebop


Following ROS parameters change Bebop’s settings. They can be tweaked during runtime using dynamic reconfigure GUI <http://wiki.ros.org/dynamic_reconfigure#dynamic_reconfigure.2BAC8-groovy.reconfigure_gui>. Setting ~reset_settings parameter to true will reset all these settings to factory defaults.


Coordinate System Conventions

.. _sec-coords:

ROS Standard Message Types (i.e Twist, Odometery) - REP 103


+x forward +y left +z up +yaw CCW

  • More information: http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0103.html

Bebop Velocities


+x East +y South +z Down

Bebop Attitude


+x forward +y right +z down +yaw CW

SDK’s setPilotingPCMD


+roll right +pitch forward +gaz up +yaw CW

Under The Hood

This page contains information about the architecture of the driver and different techniques used for its development.

Automatic Code Generation



Threading Model



Publishing the States



.. _sec-dev-dyn:

Configuring the Drone



.. _sec-dev-test:



Enabling Bebop In The Loop Tests

.. code-block:: bash

$ cd /path/to/bebop_ws $ catkin clean –cmake-cache $ catkin build bebop_driver –cmake-args -DRUN_HARDWARE_TESTS=ON

Running Bebop In The Loop Tests

.. warning:: Bebop in the loop tests perform live unit tests with a real robot. Please proceed with caution and execute the tests in an area with at least 5 meters of clearance radius (empty space) around the Bebop.

.. code-block:: bash

$ cd /path/to/bebop_ws/build/bebop_driver $ make tests $ rostest –text bebop_driver bebop_itl_test.test

Upgrading the Bebop SDK


.. warning:: Since version 0.6, Parrot ARSDK <http://developer.parrot.com/docs/SDK3/>, the main underlying dependency of *bebop_autonomy* is not build inline anymore. Instead, the slightly patched and catkinized version of it, called parrot_arsdk <https://github.com/AutonomyLab/parrot_arsdk>, is fetched as a dependency. The following documentation needs to be updated.

  1. Update the GIT_TAG of ARDroneSDK3 in bebop_driver/CMakeLists.txt::add_custom_target::./repo init ... -b GIT_TAG to your desired commit hash, branch or tag (release). The official upstream repository is hosted here <https://github.com/Parrot-Developers/arsdk_manifests>_.
  2. Checkout (or browse) the upstream repository at the same hash used in step (1) and open release.xml file. From this file, extract the commit hash of arsdk-xml from the revision property of this XML tag: <project name="arsdk-xml" ... revision="" />.
  3. Open bebop_driver/scripts/meta/generate.py and update LIBARCOMMANDS_GIT_HASH variable to the hash obtained in step (2).
  4. Change the working diretory to bebop_driver/scripts/meta, then execute generate.py from the command line. This will regenerate all automatically generated message definitions, header files and documentations.
  5. Copy the generated files to their target locations by calling ./install.sh.
  6. In bebop_driver/include/bebop_driver/autogenerated/ardrone3_setting_callbacks.h change the following varialbles:

In bebop_driver/include/bebop_driver/autogenerated/ardrone3_state_callbacks.h remove the following lines:


In bebop_msgs/msg/autogenerated/Ardrone3AccessoryStateConnectedAccessories.msg remove the following lines: # List entry attribute Bitfield. 0x01: First: indicate its the first element of the list. 0x02: Last: indicate its the last element of the list. 0x04: Empty: indicate the list is empty (implies First/Last). All other arguments should be ignored. 0x08: Remove: This value should be removed from the existing list. uint8 list_flags

These changes are required because the upstream XML file is inconsistent for a couple of variable names.

  1. Remove build and devel space of your catkin workspace, then re-build it.