Tue, Apr 16, 24, Digital twin technology creates virtual replicas of physical objects or systems, enabling real-time monitoring, analysis, and optimization
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dev Tools


scipySignal for spatial similarities and distance calcu

Jargons and concepts

physical and virtual mirroring of space
Physical entity(PE) and virtual mirroring of it (VE) are the principal elements of digital twin concept.
Now is the time to get our hands dirty with these jargons

5 levels of DT implementation

all the processes required to implement DT
  • Integrating ChatGPT with RAG architecture across the five levels of digital twin enhances the system’s ability to understand, reason, and respond to user queries and sensor data in a more intelligent and context-aware manner, ultimately improving user experiences and operational efficiencies
Ulsan TP project for HD Heavy Industries

Asset Administration Shell

to improve the value chain of asset exchanges among the stakeholders

Value chain innovation

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