I have used this theme for projects that I've worked on as a professional technical writer.
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This is my first web page I have created, without any css, html or jquery snippets being used. It’s been pride of my savvy impromptu skills of survival. 4 years ago.

  • my wordpress theme customization
    • now dyfunct tonyleekorea.com has been in service for the last 2 years, with my portfolio and profile including cvs being kept with it.
    • cariana.tonyleekorea.com was a very simple shopping web app with no cart, no payment options.
    • then I have created more extensive shopping cart from cafe24 almost 4 years ago, which is still in service, with all the frills and jingles of shopping mall site would need. yogaman
  • Django Commerce Theme, Oscar
    • I looked for something where a community is really active; Saleor in the beginning and then Oscar. Oscar is a complete django framework, providing a front-end, backend and blog with an admin panel for customer/product/shipping/payment management.
    • I later customized it for my older job. www.lightup.co.kr/en is built to integrate all of the Oscar functionality with markdown editing tools. front-end admin blog

my profile goal as a front-end engineer

  • Profound knowledge of JavaScript (4+ years), especially React (3+years) and Typescript (3+ years).
  • You have experience with testing and bundling of Javascript code
  • You treat CSS as a first class citizen and have deep knowledge in CSS Frameworks and Preprocessors (e.g. Sass, SCSS)
  • You are comfortable with the ins-and-outs and capable of squeezing every millisecond of performance out of the browser
  • Putting code live every day is a given
  • You have been part of an agile development team. You favor open communication, constant feedback and short decision paths
  • You have a “never-stop-learning” attitude and a desire to develop and grow
  • You are fluent in English