My recent projects are leveraging generative AI across various domains, yielding significant achievements. These encompass Digital Twin, Voice-to-Command, RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), TTL STT (Text-to-Listening Speech), Metaverse, smartFarm and Edge Computing, among others.
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Hello visitor, welcome to my Github portfolio wiki / resume

What do I do?

Enjoy Engineering, Researching and Being a life amateur.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on a few meaningful things
  • 🌱 Currently learning the art of life-long learning
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help on figuring out how to help
  • 💬 Ask me about how can I help, else internet has you covered ;)
  • ⚡ Fun fact: 2022> I ran my first full lap around my neighborhood lake in 2 years; now I enjoy this fun everyday.

📫 Feel free to reach out

📕 Visi Project's Blog

🛠️ Some of my digital Tools:

Python C C++ C unity


⌨GitHub Status(public):

Languages and Tools:

amplify angular angularjs aws azure babel bootstrap c chartjs codeigniter csharp css3 d3js docker electron elixir erlang express figma firebase gcp git go graphql haskell heroku hive html5 illustrator java javascript laravel linux mongodb mysql nestjs nextjs nginx nodejs nuxtjs opencv oracle photoshop php postgresql postman puppeteer python pytorch rabbitMQ reactnative redis redux rust sass sqlite tailwind tensorflow typescript unity unreal vuejs vuetify webpack xd QT PX4 ArdupilothuggingfaceopenAI

aiegoo/portfolio is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its (this file) appears on your GitHub profile.

I believe in time-management


🎉 🎆 🔥