RAG combines the strengths of retrieval-based and generative models to improve the quality and relevance of generated text by leveraging external knowledge sources.
Edit me

call my cell for text messages

if any link not working, click here for details

LLM as a controller to leverage the external private knowledge base
LLM as a controller to leverage the external private knowledge base


rag overview

rag1 rag2 rag3 rag4 rag5 rag6 rag4Chatbot

knowledge based Q&A



two_scoop3 django_microservice
django-pratical djangoapi

you will like these links

  • udemy course, and other resources in this site.

    it begins with;

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

chapter 5 settings and requirements files


  • details
├── __init__.py
├── base.py
├── local.py
├── staging.py
├── test.py
├── production.py
python manage.py shell --settings=config.settings.local

chapter 4 Django app design

uncommon app names

click here to expand ``` scoops/ ├── api/ ├── behaviors.py ├── constants.py ├── context_processors.py ├── decorators.py ├── db/ ├── exceptions.py ├── fields.py ├── factories.py ├── helpers.py ├── managers.py ├── middleware.py ├── schema.py ├── signals.py ├── utils.py ├── viewmixins.py ```

django service layer

  • https://www.b-list.org/weblog/2020/mar/16/no-service/
  • https://www.b-list.org/weblog/2020/mar/23/still-no-service/
  • https://www.dabapps.com/blog/django-models-and-encapsulation/

chapter 3 django project layout

project templates

https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-django Featured in this chapter.

https://github.com/grantmcconnaughey/cookiecutter-django-vue-graphql-aws Also featured in this chapter.


default directory map

click here to expand ```text mysite/ ├── manage.py ├── my_app │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── admin.py │ ├── apps.py │ ├── migrations │ │ │ ├── models.py │ ├── tests.py │ └── views.py └── __init__.py └── mysite ├── __init__.py ├── asgi.py ├── settings.py ├── urls.py └── wsgi.py ```

Big map

├── <configuration_root>/
├── <django_project_root>/

README.md, docs/ directory, manage.py, .gitignore, requirements.txt files, and other high-level files that are required for deployment and running the project.

The settings module and base URLConf (urls.py) are placed. This must be a valid Python package containing an __init__.py module.

+ example of this
├── config/
│ ├── settings/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── asgi.py
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── wsgi.py
├── docs/
├── icecreamratings/
│ ├── media/
│ ├── products/
# Development only!
│ ├── profiles/
│ ├── ratings/
│ ├── static/
│ └── templates/
├── .gitignore
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── manage.py
└── requirements.txt

cookiecutter map

click here to expand ``` . ├── bin │   └── post_compile ├── compose │   ├── local │   │   ├── django │   │   │   ├── Dockerfile │   │   │   └── start │   │   └── docs │   │   ├── Dockerfile │   │   └── start │   └── production │   ├── django │   │   ├── Dockerfile │   │   ├── entrypoint │   │   └── start │   ├── postgres │   │   ├── Dockerfile │   │   └── maintenance │   │   ├── backup │   │   ├── backups │   │   ├── restore │   │   └── _sourced │   │   ├── constants.sh │   │   ├── countdown.sh │   │   ├── messages.sh │   │   └── yes_no.sh │   └── traefik │   ├── Dockerfile │   └── traefik.yml ├── config │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── settings │   │   ├── base.py │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── local.py │   │   ├── production.py │   │   └── test.py │   ├── urls.py │   └── wsgi.py ├── CONTRIBUTORS.txt ├── cookiecutter │   ├── conftest.py │   ├── contrib │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   └── sites │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   └── migrations │   │   ├── 0001_initial.py │   │   ├── 0002_alter_domain_unique.py │   │   ├── 0003_set_site_domain_and_name.py │   │   ├── 0004_alter_options_ordering_domain.py │   │   └── __init__.py │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── static │   │   ├── css │   │   │   └── project.css │   │   ├── fonts │   │   ├── images │   │   │   └── favicons │   │   │   └── favicon.ico │   │   ├── js │   │   │   └── project.js │   │   └── sass │   │   ├── custom_bootstrap_vars.scss │   │   └── project.scss │   ├── templates │   │   ├── 403.html │   │   ├── 404.html │   │   ├── 500.html │   │   ├── account │   │   │   ├── account_inactive.html │   │   │   ├── base.html │   │   │   ├── email_confirm.html │   │   │   ├── email.html │   │   │   ├── login.html │   │   │   ├── logout.html │   │   │   ├── password_change.html │   │   │   ├── password_reset_done.html │   │   │   ├── password_reset_from_key_done.html │   │   │   ├── password_reset_from_key.html │   │   │   ├── password_reset.html │   │   │   ├── password_set.html │   │   │   ├── signup_closed.html │   │   │   ├── signup.html │   │   │   ├── verification_sent.html │   │   │   └── verified_email_required.html │   │   ├── base.html │   │   ├── pages │   │   │   ├── about.html │   │   │   └── home.html │   │   └── users │   │   ├── user_detail.html │   │   └── user_form.html │   ├── users │   │   ├── adapters.py │   │   ├── admin.py │   │   ├── apps.py │   │   ├── forms.py │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── migrations │   │   │   ├── 0001_initial.py │   │   │   └── __init__.py │   │   ├── models.py │   │   ├── tests │   │   │   ├── factories.py │   │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   │   ├── test_admin.py │   │   │   ├── test_forms.py │   │   │   ├── test_models.py │   │   │   ├── test_urls.py │   │   │   └── test_views.py │   │   ├── urls.py │   │   └── views.py │   └── utils │   ├── context_processors.py │   └── __init__.py ├── docs │   ├── conf.py │   ├── howto.rst │   ├── index.rst │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── make.bat │   ├── Makefile │   ├── pycharm │   │   ├── configuration.rst │   │   └── images │   │   ├── 1.png │   │   ├── 2.png │   │   ├── 3.png │   │   ├── 4.png │   │   ├── 7.png │   │   ├── 8.png │   │   ├── f1.png │   │   ├── f2.png │   │   ├── f3.png │   │   ├── f4.png │   │   ├── issue1.png │   │   └── issue2.png │   └── users.rst ├── LICENSE ├── locale │   └── README.rst ├── local.yml ├── manage.py ├── merge_production_dotenvs_in_dotenv.py ├── Procfile ├── production.yml ├── pytest.ini ├── README.rst ├── requirements │   ├── base.txt │   ├── local.txt │   └── production.txt ├── requirements.txt ├── runtime.txt ├── setup.cfg └── tree.md 37 directories, 120 files ```

Chapter 2

virtualenv and pythonpath

You can also set your virtualenv’s PYTHONPATH to include the current directory with
the latest version of pip. Running “ pip install -e . ” from your project’s root
directory will do the trick, installing the current directory as a package that can be edited in place.

django-admin and manage.py¶
link django-admin is Django’s command-line utility for administrative tasks. This document outlines all it can do.

In addition, manage.py is automatically created in each Django project. It does the same thing as django-admin but also sets the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable so that it points to your project’s settings.py file.

The django-admin script should be on your system path if you installed Django via pip. If it’s not in your path, ensure you have your virtual environment activated.

Generally, when working on a single Django project, it’s easier to use manage.py than django-admin. If you need to switch between multiple Django settings files, use django-admin with DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or the –settings command line option.

The command-line examples throughout this document use django-admin to be consistent, but any example can use manage.py or python -m django just as well.

$ django-admin <command> [options]
$ manage.py <command> [options]
$ python -m django <command> [options]

django and docker

References for developing with Docker:

  • https://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developing-locally-docker.html
  • http://bit.ly/1dWnzVW Real Python article on Django and Docker Compose
  • https://dockerbook.com


.. _Using cookiecutter-django with Google Cloud Storage: https://ahhda.github.io/cloud/gce/django/2019/03/12/using-django-cookiecutter-cloud-storage.html .. _cookiecutter-django with Nginx, Route 53 and ELB: https://msaizar.com/blog/cookiecutter-django-nginx-route-53-and-elb/ .. _cookiecutter-django and Amazon RDS: https://msaizar.com/blog/cookiecutter-django-and-amazon-rds/ .. _Exploring with Cookiecutter: http://www.snowboardingcoder.com/django/2016/12/03/exploring-with-cookiecutter/ .. _Using Cookiecutter to Jumpstart a Django Project on Windows with PyCharm: https://joshuahunter.com/posts/using-cookiecutter-to-jumpstart-a-django-project-on-windows-with-pycharm/

.. _Development and Deployment of Cookiecutter-Django via Docker: https://realpython.com/blog/python/development-and-deployment-of-cookiecutter-django-via-docker/ .. _Development and Deployment of Cookiecutter-Django on Fedora: https://realpython.com/blog/python/development-and-deployment-of-cookiecutter-django-on-fedora/ .. _How to create a Django Application using Cookiecutter and Django 1.8: https://www.swapps.io/blog/how-to-create-a-django-application-using-cookiecutter-and-django-1-8/ .. _Introduction to Cookiecutter-Django: http://krzysztofzuraw.com/blog/2016/django-cookiecutter.html .. _Django and GitLab - Running Continuous Integration and tests with your FREE account: http://dezoito.github.io/2016/05/11/django-gitlab-continuous-integration-phantomjs.html

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