Edit me


git rebase vs merge


Golden rule merge rebase
🍂Use merge in cases where you want a set of commits to be clearly grouped together in history 🍂Use rebase when you want to keep a linear commit history 🍂 DON’T use rebase on a public/shared branch 🍂 gitbucket 🍂git checkout feature && git checkout -b temporary-branch && git rebase -i main [Clean up the history] git checkout main && git merge temporary-branch 🍂 git pull –rebase merge pic rebase
  git checkout master && git merge feature git checkout feature && git rebase master

Git team of one

Git team



Create and customize step-by-step documentation for your team on how to use Git in your own work flow

• basic tools to document your team’s process; 
• where documentation should be placed; 
• what types of things need to be documented; and, 
• sample states for your ticketing system


+Product Manager [Name] 
-Dev site [URL] Branch deployed on dev site [name of branch] 
+Live site [URL] 
-Branch deployed on live site [name of branch] 
+When starting a dev ticket, branch from [name of branch] 
-When starting a hotfix ticket, branch from [name of branch] 
+When updating your work, use [git command] 
-When merging your work, post review use [git command]

ghi cli: The most commonly used ghi commands are:

   list        List your issues (or a repository's)
   show        Show an issue's details
   open        Open (or reopen) an issue
   close       Close an issue
   edit        Modify an existing issue
   comment     Leave a comment on an issue
   label       Create, list, modify, or delete labels
   assign      Assign an issue to yourself (or someone else)
   milestone   Manage project milestones

color the shell output for git: add below in .gitconfig You can also fine control what you want to have coloured in what way, e.g.

  diff = auto
  status = auto
  branch = auto
  interactive = auto
  ui = true
  pager = true

[color "status"]
  added = green
  changed = red bold
  untracked = magenta bold

[color "branch"]
  remote = yellow

diagram and workflow gui






github pages documentation for visibility and dns

git pull/merge strategy


Branching strategies

• how to choose a branching convention for your team. 
• mainline development 
• branch-per-feature deployment 
• scheduled deployment


command and control

Working in a team