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Discard changes you’ve made to a file in your working directory. Changed file is not staged, or committed. checkout — [filename]  
Discard all unsaved changes in the working directory File is staged, but not committed.   reset –hard  
Combine several commits up to but not including a specific commit.   reset [commit-id]  
Remove all unsaved changes including untracked files. Changed files are not committed clean -fd  
Remove all staged changes and previously committed work up to a specific commit but do not remove new files from the working directory. reset –hard [commitid]  
You want to remove previous work but keep the commit history intact (“roll forwards”). Branch has been published; working directory is clean. revert [commit-id]  
Remove a single commit from a branch’s history. Changed files are committed; working directory is clean; branch has not been published. rebase –interactive [commit-id]
Keep previous work but combine it with another commit. Select the squash option rebase –interactive [commit-id]  
Tags: books git