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Pixhawk lite page Pixhawk lite Type Details Type Details frame   FC   motor   ESC   RC   mode   <td style="text-align:...
bebop parrots page bebop parrots Type Details Type Details frame   FC   motor   ESC   RC   mode   <td style="text-align:...
Pixhawk Cube Black page cube black
Darlc215 page Darlc215 Type Details Type Details frame   FC   motor   ESC   RC   mode   weight...
drones_aidrone.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_books.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_debugging.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_devcodes.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_dronekit.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_hardware.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_mavlink.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_mavsdk.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_middleware.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_overview.md page pixhawk lite - APM, bebop / mydrone bebop parrot - APM, Mission-planner / <a...
drones_qground.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_ros.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.     ...
drones_sensorfusion.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly.   Preview
drones_webgcs.md page Test flight after assembly Our class team made its first test flight after assembly. <div...
Jetbot Nvidia Nano RAPA project page Jetbot Nvidia Nano RAPA project Type Details Type Details frame   FC   motor   ESC   RC   mode  ...
mydrone_project.md wiki an autonomous UAS to work under any circumstances for the logistics industry
DJI Naza m Lite page DJI Naza m Lite           <td...
Pixhawk vision page Pixhawk vision Type Details Type Details frame   FC   motor   ESC   RC   mode...
dji quad custom frame page dji quad custom frame dji wookong with gimball     overview Type Details Type Details...
DJI S1000 Wookong page DJI S1000 Wookong overview Type Details Type Details frame   FC   motor   ESC   RC   mode   ...
DJI S1000 A2 page DJI S1000 A2     overview     manual training ...
DJI S900 Wookong page DJI S900 Wookong overview Type Details Type Details frame   FC   motor   ESC   RC   mode   ...
Skyhero page Skyhero Type Details Type Details frame   FC   motor   ESC   RC   mode   weight...
Vtol with single prop page ### Vtol with single prop Follow up work from this [post](https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/airspeed-sensor-noise-problems-on-large-quadplane/32941) , we decided to go for another flight to get a better tuned pitch controller, rectify airspeed sensor problems and collect more flight data before we push for TECS tuning. A few hypotheses that we have been thinking about:...
Yuneec H and Intel Intellisense sensors page ### Yuneec H and Intel Intellisense sensors |--- | | | | --- | --- | --- | [cgoet-manual](yuneeccgoet.pdf) | [mainteanance](Yuneec_Maintenance_Guide.pdf) | [pilot-manual](yuneecH-manual.pdf) |=== | > Overview > Typhoon H Hexacopter |--- | | :-: | ![yuneecth](./images/yuneec/YuneecTH.gif) |=== | > Autonomous flight modes allow you to recall pre-programmed tracking shots...