Thu, Nov 18, 21, API to let you seamlessly implement search within the site, mobile and voice applications
This is a draft, the content is not complete and of poor quality!


  • search engine implmentation doc

algo engine basics

Here are some examples of the ways the engine compares records.

  • Is there a typo? If yes, how many?
  • Does the query match on the first letter? Does it match the whole word? Or only partially?
  • Does the word match a synonym?
  • Does the query match the title of a record or its description?
  • Is this item more popular than another item?
  • When you add up the answers to these questions, some records have a stronger or weaker relevance. This is what determines the order of the results.

You can break down how to implement Algolia into three steps:

  • Indexing your data into Algolia
  • Configuring relevance and ranking settings
  • Building a search user interface

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