2021-09-08 1.5 update
- TASK: create 3 collections with userMap syntax and image grid framework (yoga, freelancers, drones)
- TASK: IPad Pro / 크롬 이슈 재진단, static-site generator로 변신중
- TASK: Drone devworks, other contents added – 계속 정리
- NOTE: see the link below for yoga contents
c* [33m17db1f9[m[31m[1m (HEAD -> edit, origin/edit)[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m Merge branch 'ipadpro' into edit
[31m|[m * [33m8305029[m[31m[1m (origin/ipadpro, ipadpro)[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m ipad class not work, navbar-right media@768 float left from right
[31m|[m * [33m26c1e0a[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m again
[31m|[m * [33m2c73bda[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m move ipad to ul of navbar-right with -150px
[31m|[m * [33m6a4008c[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m add ipad class to container div of topnav.html with -80px margin left
[31m|[m * [33mb8d2427[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m replace navbar-nav with navbar-static-top and fixed-top
[31m|[m * [33m845e115[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m switch to navbar-nav from navbar-right
[31m|[m * [33m19bf12d[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m remove except navbar-right for the margin-left -18px
[31m|[m * [33m115a7d0[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m add important to the margin-left for nav ul
[31m|[m * [33mf11ff19[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m margin-right -18px for the navbar-right
[31m|[m * [33ma4722b7[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m fix table issue on starthere.md
[31m|[m * [33m320bcd9[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m uncomment highlight css for toc
[31m|[m * [33m3d99110[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m uncomment transform translate as there's no effect
[31m|[m * [33ma382ed4[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m adjust the length of toc for starthere.md
[31m|[m * [33m9aca16c[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m comment out transform translate for #toc ul li
[31m|[m * [33m0c1f8e5[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m navbar-header margin left right
[31m|[m * [33mc4bc1c1[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m search demo container width 100 from 150 search input width 10em from 18em
[31m|[m * [33m73539fd[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m Merge branch 'ipadpro' of github.com:aiegoo/documentation into ipadpro
[31m|[m [33m|[m[34m\[m
[31m|[m [33m|[m * [33m8b1f9d6[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m media query at 992 from 768 for mobile
[31m|[m [33m|[m * [33m2cd0a01[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m media query at 768 from 990 for mobile
[33m [m [34m [m [33mc88933c[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m keeping on customizing toc on hover highlight [33m [m[33m/[m [34m/[m -
[34m [m [33m5713662[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m reduce h2 heading length of starthere.md -
[34m [m [33m0b79902[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m reduce h2 heading length of starthere.md -
[34m [m [33mb8eb86d[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m toc li a hover focust bottom 2px -
[34m [m [33m9cbadd1[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m trying to fix a hover on multiple locations -
[34m [m [33m977d836[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m textdecoration dotted to #toc ul li a hover focus after -
[34m [m [33m1d079e7[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m fix #toc ul li a:after height 0.4em from 1.2em -
[34m [m [33m17668f8[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m #toc for ipad to 76em from 40em -
[34m [m [33mef21407[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m div#toc width 40em from 60em and inline toc max-width 400px from 300px -
[34m [m [33mce62b33[m[31m[1m[m[37m(2021-09-08)[m toc font and width </code>