my freelancers I work with since 2018.
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my 100 supporters

faheem - designer, php

I have done some projects related to MATLAB and tasks related to Machine Learning. I have got a lot of experience in writing and in presentations during my degree program


tony - Electrical, embedded

I have done some projects related to MATLAB and tasks related to Machine Learning.

Some of my land/air vehicle projects

  • VTOL Portal of vtol codebase repowiki
  • Advanced ND project UAV gui repo
  • GCS ground control station GCS codebase repo
  • RVIZ simuator C++ GAZEBO repo
  • Computer vision Road Detection repo
  • Raspberry Pi project LORA and sensors repo or here
+ Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming Packt
- Learning ROS for Robotic Programming 2nd Edition
@@ ROS for Beginners, Basics, Motion and OpenCV @@
! ROS로보틱스 
Boost.Asio C++ 네트워크 프로그래밍 쿡북
- Programming Robots With ROS
