Fri, Jan 14, 22, setting up overall technical architect for development and staging services
This is a draft, the content is not complete and of poor quality!


Unity App

  • webapp developed mainly with Unity
  • BLE used to sync with most H/W
  • Http protocol used for data exchange via API Server
  • For map application, Web View is used for data syncing


  • Virtual deploy environment for API apps created with IIS, ASP.NET


  • Reverse Proxy
  • Load balancing for ASP instances for any request


  • React is used for map views
  • Native SDK offers limited apis
  • Found more convient in the case of API Server(ASP)


  • User Management, Sensor Control are handled by this API Server
  • Initial develpment and staging will be done with one instance
  • Load balancing is done by scaling out in sync with IIS Setting

development environment

  • Unity

Deploy apps

  • Android
  • IOS

project structure

  • Assets
    • 01.Scenes
    • 02.Scripts
    • 03.Images
    • 04.Audio
    • 05.Fonts
    • Editor
    • Plugins
    • Resources


  • ASP.NET (.NET Core 3.1)
  • Template (WebAPI)

Deploy settings

  • need more details for deploy settings
  • Windows Server 2016
  • IIS

Technical Architecture

  • MaaS.sln
    • Common
    • WebAPI
      • Attribute : API attributes and params defined
      • Controllers : API Route, to sync with Swaggers using comments
      • Database : Model DB definition
      • Middleware : ASP Custom Middleware
      • Models : Controller Model
      • Request : Controller request
      • Settings : ASP startup config variables
      • Map(Web) : ASP hosts map views that will be sent to web

reference structure

  • MaaS
    • WebAPI
      • Common
      • Map

coding convention

  • basic use of Cammel naming convention
  • Sibling variables are added with _

build method

dotnet build
dotnet build --runtime win10-x64
dotnet publish -c Release
dotnet publish -c Release --runtime win10-x64 --self-contained true


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