- from bash pipeline.
- checing serial port connection by debugging
- nmcli device
- to scp from a remote with a port number
- changing default branch of github
- git diff for files yet to be pushed
- remove files from a commit
- pushing a series of commits on separate push actions
- copying a same file over to multiple location
- mkdir -p
- download using request api
- add suffix to each file in a folder
- cloning usb stick to an image
- to check ip / port availability on remote server
- git clone branches
- git colour output to a file
- git create repo via api
- Bash pipeline
- curious programmer
- Listing the contents of an archive
- Creating a new archive
- Updating an archive
- Extracting data
- Comparing against the file system
- Using zip
- Cheat sheet
- References
- Thi
- Tools
- Hotkeys
- Multiple commands
file- Search / grep / sed
- Check info
- Symbolic link (shortcut)
- Alias
- Create / Copy / Cut / Paste
- Display
- References
- ssh
- How it works?
- Generate a public key
- Command line parameters
- Errors
from bash pipeline.
checing serial port connection by debugging
dmesg | egrep -i --color 'serail|ttyS'
setserial -g /dev/ttyS[0123]
screen /dev/device baud-rate
screen /dev/ttyS- 19200
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 19200,cs8
sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
nmcli device
ip l show
ip a show eth0
route -n
ip r
ip r | grep default
ip l show | grep -A1 eth0
ip l show | egrep -A1 'eth0|lo'
sudo ifconfig
sudo /sbin/ifconfig
nmcli device
nmcli connection
nmcli radio
nmcli wifi off
nmcli wifi on
nmcli device wifi list
nmcli device wifi connect nixcraft_guest passowrd {my password here}
nmcli wwan off
nmcli wwan on
to scp from a remote with a port number
scp -r -P [portnumber] user@ip:/pathtofile /local/pathtoafile/
'rsync -a ./dist/spa/* -e 'ssh -p 2222' --progress --delete tonylee@eggs.or.kr:/controller'
changing default branch of github
git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a
git diff for files yet to be pushed
git diff --stat --cahced origin/master
git diff --numstat origin/master
remove files from a commit
git reset --soft HEAD^ or HEAD~1
git reset HEAD file
"to completely delet the file
git rm --cached <file>
git ccommit --amend
pushing a series of commits on separate push actions
git push origin commit-sha:branch_name
git push origin +HEAD^:branch_name
git push origin +HEAD~1:branch_name
denotes a previous commit to the lastes and +HEAD~1 refers to the rest of commits except the current or the latest commit.
git log origin/branch_name..HEAD
to display the size of a commit before push
git log -1 --stat
copying a same file over to multiple location
f=text.txt; tee ~/folder{1..2}/$f < ~/$f > /dev/null
# sample implementation on learningjavascript
touch .gitkeep
f=repos/portfolio/documentation/webdev-node/.gitkeep; tee chapter{1..10}/$f < ~/$f > /dev/null
Tree /F
│ .gitkeep
│ .gitkeep
│ index.html
│ index.html~
│ .gitkeep
│ .gitkeep
│ .gitkeep
mkdir -p
mkdir sa{1..50}
mkdir -p sa{1..50}/sax{1..50}
mkdir {a-z}12345
mkdir {1,2,3}
mkdir test{01..10}
mkdir -p `date '+%y%m%d'`/{1,2,3}
mkdir -p $USER/{1,2,3}
download using request api
wget --no-parent -r -l inf --wait 5 --random-wait 'http://WEBSITE.com/DIRECTORY'
curl -LO http://example.com/someFile.type
add suffix to each file in a folder
for i in *.png; do mv "$i" "${i%.*}_3.6.14.png"; done # It replaces .png in all the .png files with _3.6.14.png.
mv $i ${i%.*}_3.6.14.png Rename original .png files with the filename+_3.6.14.png. # ${i%.*} Anything after last dot would be cutdown. So .png part would be cutoff from the filename.
cloning usb stick to an image
- download etcher from download and install linux x64 version
- you can do this when you have either img file or bootable diskinternals
- run this cli as described in link
dmesg | grep -i usb
dmesg | grep -i 'attached'
sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdX
sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/path/to/file.img bs=SIZE bs=4 status=progrss
sudo chown vivek:USERS xxx.img
sudo apt install gddrescue
ddrescue /dev/INPUT /dev/OUTPUT
lspci | grep -i eth
ifconfig eth0
ip link
ip -c link
ifconfig -s -a
netstat -i
ethtool eth0
sudo lshw -short -c network
sudo lshw -c network
to check ip / port availability on remote server
sudo apt install nmap
sudo apt install telnetd
sudo nmap -A ip -p PORT
telent javaxxxxx 14550
sudo nmap -F IP
git clone branches
git config --global alias.clone-branches '! git branch -a | sed -n "/\/HEAD /d; /\/master$/d; /remotes/p;" | xargs -L1 git checkout -t'
to create multiple branches, run the following cli;
for branch in alpha{1..3}; do git checkout -b $branch; done; git push origin --all
git colour output to a file
You can pass -c color.ui=always to any git command and it will keep coloring on redirection. For example: git -c color.ui=always status > file
git create repo via api
curl -i -u 'aiegoo:$(ghp-token)' https://api.github.com/user/repos -d '{"name": "udemy-qt5", "private": true, "description": "pf3.36io.co/udemy"}'
Bash pipeline
Bash automation is simple and delivers any job scripted to perform. I love it because it touches on the process/pid of a task.
github repo
curious programmer
I want to create a symlink for all hidden files excluding the hidden directories. I want to put my configuration files in my home directory into version control.
I need to exclude the hidden directories because they contain binaries and what not.
Using this one liner, I can create a symbolic link for every hidden file in my home directory to my working (or target) directory.
for f in .*; do if [[ -f $f ]]; then ln -s /home/me/$f /home/me/working/directory/$f; fi; done
I execute this from my source directory.
I can verify that my symlinks exist in my target directory
cd /home/me/working/directory
ls -lah
I should see a few lines that look like this:
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 me me 26 Jan 27 10:49 .zsh_history -> /home/me/.zsh_history
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 me me 20 Jan 27 10:49 .zshrc -> /home/me/.zshrc
This post forms part of a sequence of command line references that I will be writing where I forget the command or its syntax or find it interesting enough to document it.
Although it is easily Google-able, there are usually a chain of commands that I want kept together for ease of use.
The commands I use should be universal but just in case, I am running Fedora release 28 (Twenty Eight) and Zsh.
As far as I understand, bash±tar
files typically have the tar or tar.gz
extensions. bash±tar
is the archive that can preserve permissions and directory
structures and tar.gz is the compressed bash±gzip
-ed bash±tar
Listing the contents of an archive
You can list the contents of an archive bash±tar -tf archive.tar.gz
without having to extract the data. When you want to see more information
bash±tar -tvf archive.tar.gz
prints out details about the file including the
permissions, owner, group, file size, modified date and time and the filename.
Your can also run these commands as bash±tar --file archive.tar.gz --list
bash±tar --list --file archive.tar.gz --verbose
What are all these switches?
**t – list**: tells tar to list everything in the archive -
**v – verbose**: verbose (optional), prints out as much information as it can for you - f | – file: specifies the file of the archive you want to list. (This must always be the last flag as it precedes the filename in the command unless you use –file)
Creating a new archive
Create a new archive for the awesome directory
bash±tar -cf archive.tar awesome
or bash±tar --create --file awesome
. You can create
an archive from any working directory bash±tar -cf archive.tar /home/user/workspace/awesome
bash±tar -cvf archive.tar awesome
or bash±tar --create --verbose --file awesome
will print
out the files names that have been added to the archive.
Compressed archive
The same switches apply as above, however we include the -z
or --gzip
switches to indicate
that the archive must be compressed.
Create a compressed gzip tar archive bash±tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz awesome.json
or bash±tar --create --verbose --gzip --file archive.tar.gz awesome.json
for the awesome.json file.
Create a compressed gzip tar archive bash±tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz /path/to/awesome
for the /path/to/awesome directory.
If you want to archive and compress multiple members, chain the files and directories
bash±tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz /path/to/something another/awesome somewhere/sauce.json
In cases where you need to omit specific files or directories from an archive
bash±tar -czvf archive.tar.gz --exclude=\*.gz /path/to/awesome
will exclude
any files with the .gz extension when creating the archive on path /path/to/awesome.
To exclude multiple files and directions, exclusions can be chained
bash±tar -czvf archive.tar.gz --exclude=something.tar --exclude=somewhere /path/to/awesome
The archive on path /path/to/awesome is created which excludes the something.tar
file and somewhere directory.
What are all these switches?
**c –create**: tells tar to create a new archive -
**v –verbose**: verbose (optional), prints out as much information as it can for you -
**z –gzip**: compresses the archive using gzip _(you can also use -j –bzip2 for bzip2 compression)_ - f | –file: specifies the file of the archive name that you want to create. (This must always be the last flag as it precedes the file name in the command unless you use the –file switch)
- –exclude: exclude files given as a pattern
Clean up
Sometimes I need to clean up files in a directory once I have created the archive. An example is one of my logs directories. Once I have archived all the logs, I want to delete them but keep my archive and any existing archives. Using Zsh I run
# In Zsh, you can use ^ to negate
# a pattern with extendedglob enabled
setopt extendedglob
rm -- ^*.tar.gz
Updating an archive
cannot update compressed archives so you need to create an uncompressed archive.
The -u
or --update
switch will append files newer than the copy in the archive.
# Create a new archive without compression
tar -cvf archive.tar /path/to/archive
# Update or add files in /path/to/archive
# tar will update and changed or added files
tar -uvf archive.tar /path/to/awesome
# You can then compress your archive
gzip archive.tar.gz
Extracting data
Extract data bash±tar -xf archive.tar
or bash±tar --extract --file archive.tar
to its local directory.
Extract a compressed archive
bash±tar -xvzf archive.tar.gz
to its local directory. This extracts the files and
decompresses them using gzip.
Extract a compressed archive to another directory
bash±tar -xvzC /path/to/awesome -f sauce.tar
The files in sauce.tar.gz are extracted to
What are all these switches?
**x extract**: tells tar to extract the files from the archive -
**v –verbose**: verbose (optional), prints out as much information as it can for you -
**z –gzip**: tells tar to decompress the archive using gzip - you can use **j –bzip2** for bzip2
**C –directory**: change to directory - f | –file: specifies the file of the archive you want to extract. (This must always be the last flag as it precedes the filename in the command)
Extracting specific files
You don’t have to extract the entire file. If you have a tar
file but are only interested in
a few files then grab them out of the tar file:
List the contents of the tar file
bash±tar -ztvf archive.tar.gz | grep filename
and look for the file name(s) you are interested in. -
Extract the file
bash±tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz ./awesome.clj
or directorybash±tar --extract --file=archive.tar.gz src
Extracting wildcards
If you can’t use a rigid file name or directory then you can use wildcards (globbing patterns)
bash±tar -xf archive.tar --wildcards --no-anchored "*.clj"
tells tar
to accept globbing patterns while --no-anchored
tells it that
the pattern applies to the member names after any / delimiter.
Comparing against the file system
, --diff
, --compare
finds the differences between the archive and the file system.
The arguments are optional and you specify archive members to
compare. If not given, the current working directory is assumed.
This is handy when you want to see whether there are files in the
file that are not yet in the local filesystem or visa versa.
It also reports differences in attributes including the file size,
mode, owner, modification date and contents.
The following example compares the archive members ‘rock’, ‘blues’ and ‘funk’ in the archive ‘bluesrock.tar’ with files of the same name in the file system. (Note that there is no file, `funk’; tar will report an error message.)
# this section and example was found at gnu.org
# http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/compare.html
tar --compare --file=bluesrock.tar rock blues funk
tar: funk not found in archive
Using zip
This is outside the scope of this post but I have the base commands available for in case I need them.
To list the contents of the archive without unzipping it
bash±less file.zip
or bash±unzip -l file.zip
To create a new archive bash±zip file.zip file1 file2 file3
or for
a directory bash±zip -r file.zip /path/to/archive
To exclude files from an archive being created
bash±zip -9 -r --exclude='*.zip' file.zip /path/to/archive
To unzip the archive bash±unzip file.zip
Cheat sheet
tar -tf archive.tar.gz
tar -tvf archive.tar.gz
tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2 file3
Compressed archive
tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz file1 file2 file3
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz --exclude=\*.gz file1 file2 file3
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz --exclude=\*.gz --exclude=file\* file1 file2 file3
Exclusion files except some
setopt extendedglob
rm -- ^*.tar.gz
tar -cvf archive.tar /path/to/archive
tar -uvf archive.tar member/director
gzip archive.tar
tar -xvf archive.tar
tar -xvzf archive.tar.gz
tar -xvC directory -f archive.tar
Compare / Diff
tar --compare --file=archive.tar file1 file2 file3
less archive.zip
unzip -l archive.zip
zip archive.zip file1 file2 file3
zip -r archive.zip /path/to/archive
zip -9 -r --exclude='*.zip' archive.zip /path/to/archive
unzip archive.zip
man tar
tar --help
- Globbing - Zsh sourceforge
- 15+ tar command usages with examples - CRYBIT.com
- What is the difference between Tar and Gzip ? - CRYBIT.com
- Comparing Archive Members with the File System - gnu.org
- How can I update a tar.gz file? - AskUbuntu
- What’s the difference between .tar.gz and .gz, or .tar.7z and .7z? - AskUbuntu
- How to Update an Archive Using ‘–update’ - StackExchange
- Difference between ls -l and ll? - Unix & Linux StackExchange
- How do I zip/unzip on the unix command line? - Unix & Linux StackExchange
- Remove all files/directories except for one file - Unix & Linux StackExchange
- How to Compress and Extract Files Using the tar Command on Linux - How-To Geek
- How to Zip and Unzip in Linux: The Zip and Unzip Linux Commands - Hack Sparrow
- Tar Extract a Single File(s) From a Large Tarball
Bash commands are mainly supported in MacOS, Linux but also support in Windows. You can use integrated tools for using bash on these platforms.
👉 Note: Terminals. 👉 Note: Bash screen.
- Apps: cmder (Windows), iTerm2 (MacOS), Guake Terminal (Linux).
- Online: repl.it
- Ctrl + C : interrupt current tasks.
- Ctrl + L : clear the screen.
- Tab : autocomplete the commands / directories / file names / ….
- Ctrl + Shift + V : paste from clipboard.
- For a long list: Enter to continue to read, q to quit.
- Ctrl + A : move cursor to the beginning of the line.
Multiple commands
# run at once
command_1 && command_2
# using script: file.sh
echo 'some info'
# and then sh file.sh
# with arguments
$file1 = $1
wc $file1 # word count
# multiple input args
for FILE1 in "$@"; do
wc $FILE1
NAME="defaut" # default value! DON'T HAVE SPACE!!!
# with flags
while getopts n:f: option; do
case "${option}"
echo $NAME
wc $FILE
# how to use?
sh test.sh -n "ThiD" -f test.md
Search / grep / sed
# all files / folders containing 'abc'
ls | grep -i abc
# find command lines containing 'abc'
dpkg -l | grep -i abc
# search and extract a part of result
pip show numpy
# Location: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
pip show numpy | sed -n 's/Location: //p'
# /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Check info
# Change password
df -h
# like monitor
free -m
# add new
export ABC=/xyz/thi/
lspci -nn | grep '\[03' # another way
# list of devices
# list display screen
xrandr --listactivemonitors
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | uniq # model
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'vendor' | uniq # vendor
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l # number of processes
Folders / Files
find . -name "*.md" -print | while read fn; do echo fixing $fn; cat .test.txt "$fn" > $fn.modified; mv $fn.modified $f done
I have copied a test.txt file with a frontmatter into the first line of a file.
sed -n '/aa/,/fff/p' file1 > tmp
sed '1 r tmp' file2
cd <dir>
cd # to the startup dir
cd / # to root
cd .. # to father dir
cd - # back to previous dir
mkdir <dir>
ls -a # including hidden
ls | grep 'ubuntu' # files containing 'ubuntu' in name
du -hs <directory / file>
# `h` : human readable (6.7G)
# `s` : display size
# all folders/files of current folder
du -hs * | sort -rh
# only folders
du -sh ./*/
# only first 5 retrieves
du -h /home/thi/ | sort -rh | head -5
rm <file>
rm -f <file> # force to remove
rm -rf <dir> # remove folder
rmdir <empty-dir> # remove empty
zip file.zip file/folder
unzip file.zip # decompress
# PRINT TREE folder structure
tree -d # only folders
tree -d -I 'abc' # except folder "abc"
tree -I 'abc|xyz' # except folder "abc" and "xyz"
tree -I 'test_*|__pycache__|__init__.py' # use wildcat
tree -L 2 # level 2
tree -P 'test_' # list only files starting with "test_"
# list of groups
# which groups a user belongs to
group <user_name>
id -nG # or
# check info of a current user
id <user_name>
# list all members of a group
grep <group_name> /etc/group
ls -l
ls -l <file>
# ADD existing USER to existing GROUP
sudo usermod -a -G groupName userName
chown <user>:<group> file
chown -R thi:root folder # folder & children
ipconfig # windows
wget https://website.com/filename.ext
# open ports
sudo apt install nmap
nmap localhost
# very simple server
python3 -m http.server # localhost:8000
python3 -m http.server 1337 # localhost:1337
# current running servers
sudo apt install net-tools
netstat -lepunt
# kill a process, e.g. 29231/ssh
kill <pid> # eg. kill 29231
sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:8000)
# mb data used
sudo apt install vnstat
vnstat -d
# INTERNET SPEED (need python)
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py | python -
# (1st test on mac)
# Look for which ports are running
# Find their PID
# Kill them
brew install nmap
nmap localhost
lsof -i:8080
kill <PID>
# in case above command cannot solve the problem
sudo lsof -i -P | grep "8080"
Text file
more file.txt
cat file.txt
touch file.txt
nano file.txt # Ctrl+X to quit
vim file.txt # ESC, :q to quit
grep "string" file.txt
echo "hello 'thi' world" >> my_file.txt
# open an image
eog image_file.jpg
Symbolic link (shortcut)
ln -s original_folder sym_folder
# remove
rm sym_folder
Create your own “alias” command for short,
alias yourAlias='cd /usr/'
alias yourAlias=cd /usr/ # windows
alias abc # "abs" stands for what?
# remove an alias
unalias abc
# group of commands
my_alias() {
screen -S dat -dm bash -c "cd /dinhanhthi.com; iserve; exec sh"
# list of commands
cd /home/user/git/abc/
git add .
git commit -m "abc"
git push
- Linux / MacOS: Add your alias to
(in home dir,printenv HOME
) if you wanna store your alias permanently. - Windows: Using cmder (its setting file), add more aliases to
. You can also add (automatically) on the cmder UI, it adds them for you to the.cmd
Create / Copy / Cut / Paste
# Create a new folder
mkdir <folder>
mkdir -p <folder> # already exist accepted
mv <old-dir> <new-dir>
move <old-dir> <new-dir> # windows
# RENAME a file/folder
mv olname.txt newname.txt
cp file file
cp -r file&dir file&dir
# only display 3 last directory names
# display only user:current_folder#
PS1='\u:\W\$ '
ssh how it works!
How it works?
- Local creates
) &private_key
). - Only
can understandpublic_key
. - Remote sends messages encrypted based on
. - Local has to use
to understand (decrypt) remote’s messages.
Generate a public key
- Windows: Using below command, if it asks for a location, indicate
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com" # without email ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.home
Multiple ssh keys
- Create key with different names, e.g.
. - Add to
Host home
Hostname home.example.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.home
User <your home acct>
Host work
Hostname work.example.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.work
User <your work acct>
Add to ssh-agent (don’t need to retype password again)
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.home ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.work
Don’t forget to clone you repo with
instead ofhttps
Add public key to remote
Suppose that we wanna connect to a remote host username@remote.com
from a local machine.
- On local machine, copy public key at
(Windows) and~/.ssh
(Linux) (something likeid_rsa.pub
) (copy its content). - On remote server (Linux), go to
, open file authorized_keys byvim authorized_keys
- Be carefull, you can modify the current keys!
- Go to the end of this file (by W)
- Press I to enter to the editing mode, press Enter for a new line.
- Using mouse to copy/paste the key in the 1st step (on your local machine).
- Note that, each key stays in a separated line.
- ESC and then type
to quick and save. - Try to connect again!
- using ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@hostname -p [port]
you need to provide login password for the first time trying out.
ssh remote_username@remote_host
ssh remote_username@remote_host -p remote_port
ssh -V
scp local_file user@remote-host:/var/tmp/
# multiple files, using wildcat "\*"
scp user@remote:/usr/local/bin/add.sh .
# multiple files, using wildcat "\*"
# Pass inside the command
sudo apt-get install sshpass
sshpass -p your_password ssh user@hostname
# copy with sudo on remote
# 1. copy to a place you have permissions
scp * thi@remote:/home/thi/tmp/
# 2. move to the place you want
ssh thi@remote sudo mv /home/thi/tmp/\* /place/we/want
Command line parameters
ssh -C # use data compression
Usage: Access jupyter notebooks from remote server on local machine.
Below are some popular commandslink:
# check the full list
man ssh
# exit background running
sudo apt install net-tools
netstat -lepunt
# kill a process, e.g. 29231/ssh
kill <pid> # eg. kill 29231
@@ Offending ECDSA key in /home/thi/.ssh/known_hosts:21
! Open /home/thi/.ssh/known_host and delete line 21
The following wiki, pages and posts are tagged with
Title | Type | Excerpt |
download to install and customize | post | Wed, Oct 20, 21, like windows reinstall, like macos install, a to z steps |
bash command line summary | post | Thu, Oct 21, 21, cmder bash commandline tools hotkeys and how to create sh file to automate actions |
references for using and customizing Linux | post | Sat, Oct 23, 21, run macos apps, android apps, shell cli, screenshot, drive and app process |
connecting raspi on ubuntun20.04 without a monitor | post | Tue, Jan 25, 22, change network/ssh and user configuration to use rasp without a monitor |