Tue, Dec 13, 22, a wrapup of my reading for the month of the year
This is a draft, the content is not complete and of poor quality!

my reading list


  1. Dean Koonts - By the lights of the moon
  2. Nora Roberts - Private Scandal
  3. Dean Koonts - The eye of the darkness

Unity asset development

  1. Houdini
    1. https://www.tokeru.com/cgwiki/index.php?title=HoudiniGettingStarted
    2. https://www.tokeru.com/cgwiki/index.php?title=Houdini
  2. Unity special effects master guide github
  3. URPShader by lswsox github

The following wiki, pages and posts are tagged with

what to do and how to do upon first-hands on a new pc post Wed, Oct 20, 21, application, chrome, video, user. startup dir
this is my personal list of to-dos after reinstall Windows post Wed, Oct 20, 21, update drivers through chrome sync to mouse config
wsl 1 to 2 upgrade post Sun, Nov 21, wsl 1 to 2 upgrade
구글 스케치업 정리 post Keyboard shortkey
google-photo-slideshow.md post 구글 포토로만 하는 건 아님...
korean-font.md post 한컴서체
meet-puppeteer.md post javascript로 브라우저 자동화
new-windows-installation.md post 구글 슬라이드로.