3d reconstruction, telepresence, lost awareness

3D Reconstruction of Endoscopic Image

Real-Time Telepresence


  • Augmented Realiy Assistance for Minimally-Invasive Surgery
  • CUDA-accelerated Semi-Global Block Matching algorithm
  • Real-time streaming and visualization on HoloLens
  • Paper accepted for oral presentation at MICCAI 2019

Restoring the Lost Awareness Caused by HMD Occlusion

  • Current OST-HMDs occlude part of user’s peripheral vision
  • We use screen edge or LED indicators to restore the loss awareness
  • Paper accepted for ISMAR 2018 and IEEE TVCG


dVRK Mixed Reality Extension

Display Calibration for Optical HMDs

  • 3D-3D registration between the real world space and virtual space

ARToolKit for HoloLens

Augmented Reality for Combat Medics Training

An Ethernet-to-FireWire Bridge

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