multicopter introduction on airframes
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multicopter system
refer to the book wiki multicopter_introduction
그냥 쉽게 생각하면, 장난감 드론의 프레임과 산업용 프레임, 그리고 미션용 (유인/무인) 프레임이 있지만 기본 원리는 같다.
- 법률사항, 역사, 기초 비행 이론등, 라파 공동프로젝트
- abridged notes, drone, dynamics, historyrapa, home, legality clause, soloflight project. drone_keyconcpet
- 기체의 방향 전환, 자세/고도 유지 원리, VSI, 속도 인디케이터, 추력원리, 안정성/조정성 요소, 작용/반작용, 가속도의 법칙 등.
landing gear
- safe roation rate
Generally, the materials of propellers used on the multicopters are flexible. So, when rotation rate exceeds a certain value, the propellers may deform, which will reduce its efficiency. Therefore, when calculating the safety rotation rate limit, all the possible conditions should be considered. The APC Web site 2 gives an empirical formula for the maximum speed of multicopter propellers, which is 105000 Revolution Per Minute (RPM)/prop diameter (inches). Taking the 10-in. propeller for example, its maximum speed is 10500RPM. By contrast, the maximum speed of Slow Flyer (SF) propellers is only 65000RPM/prop diameter (inches).
propulsion system