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Pixhawk 3 Pro

:::warning PX4 does not manufacture this (or any) autopilot. Contact the manufacturer for hardware support or compliance issues. :::

The Pixhawk® 3 Pro is based on the FMUv4 hardware design (Pixracer) with some upgrades and additional features. The board was designed by Drotek® and PX4.

Pixhawk 3 Pro hero image :::note The main hardware documentation is here: https://drotek.gitbook.io/pixhawk-3-pro/hardware :::

:::tip This autopilot is supported by the PX4 maintenance and test teams. :::

Quick Summary

  • Microcontroller: STM32F469; Flash size is 2MiB, RAM size is 384KiB
  • ICM-20608-G gyro / accelerometer
  • MPU-9250 gyro / accelerometer / magnetometer
  • LIS3MDL compass
  • Sensors connected via two SPI buses (one high rate and one low-noise bus)
  • Two I2C buses
  • Two CAN buses
  • Voltage / battery readings from two power modules
  • FrSky® Inverter
  • 8 Main + 6 AUX PWM outputs (Separate IO chip, PX4IO)
  • microSD (logging)
  • S.BUS / Spektrum / SUMD / PPM input
  • JST GH user-friendly connectors: same connectors and pinouts as Pixracer

Where to buy

From Drotek store (EU) :

From readymaderc (USA) :

Building Firmware

:::tip Most users will not need to build this firmware! It is pre-built and automatically installed by QGroundControl when appropriate hardware is connected. :::

To build PX4 for this target:

make px4_fmu-v4pro_default

Debug Port

The board has FMU and IO debug ports as shown below.

Debug Ports

The pinouts and connector comply with the Pixhawk Standard Debug Port (JST SM06B connector).

Pin Signal Volt
1 (red) VCC TARGET SHIFT +3.3V
2 (blk) CONSOLE TX (OUT) +3.3V
3 (blk) CONSOLE RX (IN) +3.3V
4 (blk) SWDIO +3.3V
5 (blk) SWCLK +3.3V
6 (blk) GND GND

For information about wiring and using this port see:

Serial Port Mapping

UART Device Port
UART1 /dev/ttyS0 WiFi
USART2 /dev/ttyS1 TELEM1 (flow control)
USART3 /dev/ttyS2 TELEM2 (flow control)
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