Wed, Oct 20, 21, live-server mathjax issues-to-fix show-box photo TOC Github API


5. 참고하면 좋은 자료

to enable ref in css html

:root {
  counter-reset: link;

a[href] {
  counter-increment: link;

a[href]:empty::after {
  content: "[" counter(link) "]";

h1 {
  counter-set: chapter section 1 page;
  /* Sets the chapter and page counters to 0,
     and the section counter to 1 */

<p>See <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Do not forget to <a href="contact-me.html">leave a message</a>!</p>
<p>See also <a href=""></a></p>

how to utilize github issues api to open disucssion


codeblock copytoclipboard

one example of copying entire liquid script below

<textarea id="code855574868" style="display:none;"></textarea>
<button id="copybutton855574868" data-clipboard-target="#code855574868">
  Copy to clipboard

var copybutton = document.getElementById('copybutton855574868');
var clipboard855574868 = new Clipboard(copybutton);

clipboard855574868.on('success', function(e) {
clipboard855574868.on('error', function(e) {

a usecase example

{% capture code %}
/* Some js code */
const redis = require('redis');
const host = <HOSTNAME>;
{%- endcapture -%}

{% include code=code language='javascript' %}

{% capture code %}
# Some ruby code
t =
{%- endcapture -%}

above code will result in the following;

/* Some js code */
const redis = require('redis');
const host = <HOSTNAME>;

# Some ruby code
t =

applying github copycode to jekyll theme

another typical copy to clipboard example blog

include_copyto.html js/copyCode.js

how to use this

{% include copyto.html %}
code goes in here!
  • to link to external images, use the sourceset parameters of image tag with this format links=https..
<figure style="text-align: center; width: fit-content;"><img class="docimage" src="images/" srcset="" alt=""  /></figure>

bulletin, details and page_gallery.html

  • to view custom callouts, details tags and image gallery grid.

  • double quote headline, collpasible detail tags

Click to open

tip: '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> <b>Tip: </b>'
note: '<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> <b>Note: </b>'
important: '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><i class="fa fa-warning"></i> <b>Important: </b>'
warning: '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> <b>Warning: </b>'
bulletin: '<div class="alert alert-default alert-bulletin" role="alert"><div markdown="1">'
end: '</div>'
ends: '</div></div>'

callout_danger: '<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-danger">'
callout_default: '<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-default">'
callout_primary: '<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-primary">'
callout_success: '<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-success">'
callout_info: '<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-info">'
callout_warning: '<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-warning">'

hr_faded: '<hr class="faded"/>'
hr_shaded: '<hr class="shaded"/>'

details: '<details><summary class="detailSummary">Click to open</summary><p><div markdown="1">'
ended: '</div></p></details>'
  • I created this combination (look above for the alerts.yml for details)

    here’s an example below

## samples
### contents etc


above script will create collpased <details> with contents parsed from the markdown

*another example called bulletin {:. details-p}

A single double quote with callout script

# contents

above will create a headline callout :::

stackoverflow app settings

Click to open

Client Id
This Id identifies your application to the Stack Exchange API. Your application client id is not secret, and may be safely embeded in distributed binaries.

Pass this as client_id in our OAuth 2.0 flow.

Client Secret (reset)

Pass this as client_secret in our OAuth 2.0 flow if your app uses the explicit path.

This must be kept secret. Do not embed it in client side code or binaries you intend to distribute. If you need client side authentication, use the implicit OAuth 2.0 flow.

Pass this as key when making requests against the Stack Exchange API to receive a higher request quota.

This is not considered a secret, and may be safely embed in client side code or distributed binaries.

documentation so search api
This text-only blurb will be shown to users during authentication.

OAuth Domain
Whenever a redirect occurs during an authentication sessions (as specified by redirect_uri) it must reside under this domain.

For the purposes of redirection, subdomains are considered to be under their parent domain. Registering would allow a redirect_uri of for example.

Application Website
A link to this website will accompany most displays of your application on the Stack Exchange network.

Application Icon
Not Set
This image will accompany most displays of your application on the Stack Exchange network.

Stack Apps Post
Not Set
When you've published your application, it should be listed on Stack Apps with the app or script tags.

Client Side Flow Is Enabled
An application can either be configured for client side or server side authentication flows.

Changing to one will disable the other flow.

Desktop OAuth Redirect Uri Is Enabled
Applications that have the client side flow enabled can use as their redirect_uri by default.

This is provided so non-web clients can participate in OAuth 2.0 without requiring a full fledged web server. Applications that do not need this behavior can disable it.


more update on markdown-toc css

style_link nested number issues

Click to open

/* customizing markdown-toc css from joshua1988 */

#markdown-toc li>a {
    border-bottom-width: 0;
#markdown-toc p a:hover, #markdown-toc li a:hover {
    border-bottom-style: solid;
#markdown-toc li:hover, li:focus {
    background: #dfdfdf;
#markdown-toc p a, #markdown-toc li a {
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #a2a2a2;
#markdown-toc li>a {
    display: block;
    padding: 2px 1.618rem;
    color: #313130;
    border-left: 2px solid transparent;
/* Thi style numbering of toc */
ul#markdown-toc {
    list-style-type: none;
    counter-reset: list;
ul#markdown-toc li {
    list-style: none;
    margin-left: -9px;
ul#markdown-toc >li {
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #a2a2a2 !important;
    line-height: 10px;
ul#markdown-toc >li a:hover{
    border-bottom-style: solid !important;
ul#markdown-toc li>a {
    display: inline-block;
    border-bottom: none !important;
ul#markdown-toc li::before {
    content: counters(list, ".") " ";
    counter-increment: list;
    background-color: #eee;
    margin-right: 6px;
    width: 10p`

ul#markdown-toc li >ul {
    counter-reset: list;

ul#markdown-toc li >ul li::before {
    content: counters(list, ".") " ";
    counter-increment: list;


late-discovered issues

  • reading progress-bar disappearing on scroll with some posts (happens on mobile only so far)
  • regarding backwarding slash and esc to activate focus in search box, it still requires scrolling to the top to see the search box when I start typing, but I found the solution as follows; ``` The tabindex value can allow for some interesting behaviour.
    1. If given a value of “-1”, the element can’t be tabbed to but focus can be given to the element programmatically (using element.focus()).
    2. If given a value of 0, the element can be focused via the keyboard and falls into the tabbing flow of the document.
    3. Values greater than 0 create a priority level with 1 being the most important. ```
      • the above tip works in the body tags as the author described, and in the case of topnav being hidden on scroll with javascript, you need more script to add to disable the scroll-trigger so that tabindex gets the priority. I found this is the conflict of priority issues. So be it.


how to automate adding frontmatters

specific to files with contents only example, drones guide files in this sites


  • issues
    • it’s important to keep the original file name due to existing file links
    • then, I will have to add frontmatters prepend to existing contents, but I have more scripts after frontmatters to be generated (ex, include scripts)
    • bash should generate some time data in date and updated parameters, in additon to other bash variables suc as tags tagName etc.
  • solution
    • adapt existing scripts for createwiki and add awk/sed bash cli to insert each file in the same/subdirectory
    • I have used a bash script in similar case where I prepend contents in a file to every file in the directory.
    • code_snippets

reading progress bar inside topnav

  • html tag and css were inserted in topnav.html
  • code snippets for jquery can be found in my gist (search for reading-progress)
  • jquery-link for scroll

Automatically reload page if js file changes

  1. Install nodejs.
  2. Install live-server using nodejs: npm install -g live-server.
  3. cd to the project folder.
  4. run live-server (accept all networks notification)
  5. Browse:
  6. Enjoy!

::: warning It may not reload the browser (it only detects the changes)! :::

Add MathJax to website

👉 Check the codes.

If you use table of content for posts in which links starting with # link to headings. After jumping, headings are usually hidden by the fixed navigation. Adding below script before </body> tag can solve the problem (change value 100 to change where the page jump).link

👉 Check the codes. Update 03/10/21: This method is not good. It works only if we click on an <a> tag which starts with # in the hlink. In the case of which inside <a> containing an <svg>, for example, it won’t work!

👉 Check the

Back to top button

Click and go back to the top of the page using javascript with smooth effect.

👉 Check the codes.

Hide / Show box

Auto hide / show the next div of the currently clicked div.

👉 Check the codes.

Advantage: We don’t need the id of content div, this method requires that div.hs__content comes right after div.hs__title, otherwise it won’t work!

Click to enlarge photo

If some photos on your page are too small and you wanna add a function in that users can click on the photo to enlarge it. This technique requires Bootstrap 4.

👉 Check the codes.

Prevent default event

Stop arrow key acts as usual,

window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
	// space and arrow keys
	if([32, 37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(e.keyCode) > -1) {
}, false);

If div_1 inside div_2, prevent actions in div_2 when performs on div_1 (check this example), use e.stopPropagation().

Search + result + navigation

  • Auto close the result if losing focus.
  • Cycling the result items with arrow up/down keys.
  • Auto focus to the a tag of the title.

👉 Check the codes.

Scrolling headings in TOC

Follow the position of viewport, auto highlight heading in toc w.r.t the current heading on page

👉 Check the codes.

Fetch starred repository (JSON to ol)

Automatically fetch a list of Github starred repositories using Github API and display it under <ol> html tag

👉 Check the codes.


find . -name "*.md" -print | while read fn; do echo fixing $fn; cat .test.txt "$fn" > $fn.modified; mv $fn.modified $f done

I have copied a test.txt file with a frontmatter into the first line of a file.

sed -n '/aa/,/fff/p' file1 > tmp
sed '1 r tmp' file2

The following wiki, pages and posts are tagged with
